Workaholism and Sex Addiction- Daily Action Plan – A Critical Tool For Sobriety

I wanted to get this out there and expound upon how it came about for me a little bit later. Like most things that I think are incredibly powerful and helpful, it is not my creation, but a personal adaptation that works for me. If you are a workaholic like me, I am guessing it will be helpful to you too. Take what you like and leave the rest.

If you would like to purchase the “Get Your Shit Together” notepad that I use, it is available on Amazon. Any commission that I earn, will be donated to SOME recovery related cause or fellowship ( a bona fide non profit).

Please feel free to post comments, and any questions!

For Help With Workaholism and Sex Addiction- Daily Action Plan – A Critical Tool For Sobriety

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Post: Workaholism and Sex Addiction- Daily Action Plan – A Critical Tool For Sobriety