Women’s Sexuality – Therapy for a happy and fulfilling Sex Life
The purpose of this article is to discuss the history of women’s sexuality, female sexual anatomy and response, sexual dysfunction and treatment, sexuality through the life cycle, the partner, and specific techniques on how to help yourself. It is very important that women and their partners learn how to enjoy more sexually satisfied lives. It has been reported that a physical problem (decrease in blood flow to the vagina and uterus) may cause a decreased sexual response through a history of the female sexuality dating back to 30000 B.C. This shows the reader why women’s sexual health lags 20 to 30 years behind that of men. Throughout the years women were seen as property, the Church viewed then as a threat to male salvation, during the 19th century they were expected to lack sexual desire etc… There came a point where women accepted the view that they were without sexual passion. During the Victorian area “hysteria” was pandemic and women had to seek relief through going to a doctor’s office and being massaged to orgasm. The vibrator, invented by a British doctor in 1880, was a direct response to help perform this procedure. Many women are still influenced by social taboo that they should not feel entitled to their own sexual satisfaction.
It is of great importance that a woman understands her own anatomy, sexuality, and how to self-stimulate. When a woman feels comfortable with this area of her life she can in turn teach her partner how to stimulate her.

Sexual dysfunction encompasses a variety of disorders specific to women’s sexuality. These conditions were identified by the American Psychiatric Association over two decades ago. In 1998, a multidisciplinary panel met for the first time and agreed that medical problems can be a cause of sexual dysfunction. In order to be considered a sexual disorder, the symptoms must be persistent and pervasive and the problem must cause personal distress. Some examples of the disorders are: Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder, Sexual Arousal Disorder, Orgasmic Disorder, and Sexual Pain Disorders. Medical problems that can cause dysfunction are : pelvic surgery or trauma, blood flow problems or vasculogenic (coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, smoking, bicycle riding) hormonal problems (menopause, endocrine disorders, postpartum hormone deficiencies, diabetes) neurogenic problems (spinal cord injury) endometriosis, fibroids, vaginal and urinary tract infections, interstitial cystitis, and pelvic floor disorders. Medications can also affect sexual function. Antidepressants, sedatives, neurocleptics, antiulcer drugs, anticonvulsants, are just a few of these medications.
Considering the fact that sexual dysfunction can be a result of medical and psychological difficulties, it is crucial that the treatment also include both of these fields. There is no single cure. Every woman, every problem, and every response is different.
It is also important to discuss sexuality through the life cycle. Women’s sexuality can be looked at as a journey that is always changing. It is important for women to understand what to expect in terms of the sexual changes that occur throughout their lives and the reason for these changes. Women’s sexuality begins at birth and it is important to understand how early childhood experiences can affect sexual experiences in adulthood. The sexual life cycle is described as beginning in childhood (birth), moving into adolescence, young adulthood, married/couples life, pregnancy and childhood, parenthood, middle age/menopause, and finally the golden years. If there are no complications a woman should have pleasurable sex until her last breath.
In conclusion, women’s sexuality is at the core of couple issues. A woman’s sexual problems can have an adverse affect on her partner. It is important that in treatment we do not say her problem or his problem, but their problem. The goal is to treat the relationship. Men take a partner’s lack of interest or enjoyment as a personal rejection. This is why ideally a couple should seek treatment together.
Women’s Sexuality problems –
For Miami therapy and marriage counselor.