How Do I Know if I’m a Sex Addict?
Many people are surprised to hear that sex addicts tend to be very high functioning people. In fact, many sex addicts are very accomplished and
Miami Marriage Counseling » Sex addiction » Common Questions
Miami Marriage Counseling » Sex addiction » Common Questions
Many people are surprised to hear that sex addicts tend to be very high functioning people. In fact, many sex addicts are very accomplished and
There’s a lot of talk about sex addiction not being an actual addiction or it being too shaming of a term, what do you have There’s a school of therapists that believe that sex addiction actually doesn’t exist. Can you speak to that a little bit? Charlene: I
What is addiction? Charlene: Addiction is described as a pathological relationship with a mood altering experience. Basically what that means is for the alcoholic, the
Tell me a little bit about sex addiction. Charlene: I think sex addiction goes under-reported. Probably the primary reason is because of all of the
What rationalizations are used by the sex addict to justify continuing to act out on their addiction…..? What is the most common rationalization that
Sex therapist Charlene Lewis describes the progressive nature of sex addiction. Is sex addiction progressive? If so, how so? Absolutely. For a sex addict, it
Sex therapist Charlene Lewis speaks to the misconception that Sex Addiction may not be a true phenomenon There’s a school of therapists that believe that
¿Cómo sé si soy un adicto al sexo ?
Sex addiction basics
Couples can enjoy sex. However, this activity often becomes a source of heartache when a partner cannot seem to control sexual behaviors. If you suspect
Sex addiction can wreak havoc on a marriage. Sex addicts have obsessive thoughts regarding sexacts, fantasies and think about sex so much that it occupies a disproportionate amount of their time. This can
Sex Addicts with Enmeshed Mothers Based on statistics, it is estimated that over 30 million people in the United States alone, suffer from a
The Difference Between “Cheaters” and Sex Addicts Research shows that up to 30% of individuals, both women and men, admit to cheating while in a