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Any person who wishes to receive recovery coaching must sign this agreement prior to working with a Recovery Coach. Once this agreement has been signed by you and your recovery coaching team, it becomes your property. We will not share copies of your signed agreement with anyone. Keeping this agreement is your responsibility.

Here’s what you can expect from a Return 2 Intimacy Recovery Coach:

1. Support to establish a plan for life in recovery.
2. One on one training with the most current modalities in treating sex addiction, compulsive work, and/or substance use disorders.
3. Help connect with people who can help you succeed in recovery
4. Explore additional services to support a comprehensive, holistic, and health recovery.
5. Confidentiality. We will only acknowledge your participation in our program with your express written consent (see release of information consent form).6. We will not provide an evaluation of your recovery or report on use of substances or compulsive behaviors from which you would like to refrain. We will acknowledge the period of time you participated in coaching, attendance, and commitment.
7. We are legally and ethically obligated to report a participant’s disclosure of personal involvement with child or elder abuse/neglect, threatened self-harm, or harm to others.
8. We do not provide clinical assessments or treatment services, monitor abstinence, maintain clinical records, or dispense medications.

Here’s what we expect from you:

1. Your recovery is your responsibility. Decisions you make are your decisions and not the responsibility of your Recovery Coach.
2. Please attend your coaching appointments and be on time. If you are unable to keep your scheduled appointment, please contact your coach as soon as possible.
3. You understand and agree you will not hold your Recovery Coach or Return 2 Intimacy LLC legally responsible for the consequences of your decisions or actions.
4. You can contact the Recovery Coach Coordinator with any questions or concerns or if you would like to request a different coach.

5) Standard Coaching and One on One Certified Sex Addiction therapist rates:
Recovery Coaching: $195/hr
Certified Sex Addiction Therapy Session: $265/50 minute session.

A Negotiated/reduced rate of 10% discount for 10 hours within a calendar month. 20% discount for 20 hours within a calendar month, and a maximum of 30% for 40 or more hours within a calendar month.

In addition, Client will pay and/or arrange in advance to pay for reasonable expenses necessarily incurred by PROVIDER in traveling to and from and around the “Client” location, and food, lodging, incidental, and program expenses.
