The Difference Between “Cheating” and Sex Addiction

The Difference Between “Cheaters” and Sex Addicts   Research shows that up to 30% of individuals, both women and men, admit to cheating while in a relationship. Within the past few years, many celebrities caught cheating have cited sex addiction as their problem, causing debate on the difference between a cheater and a sex addict. In some cases, sex addiction is referred to as hypersexual disorder, but experts note that the only about 5% of individuals truly have this disorder. However, while sex addition may not be as prevalent as celebrities and the media portray, it still is important to be able

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Sex Addicts with Enmeshed Mothers

Sex Addicts with Enmeshed Mothers   Based on statistics, it is estimated that over 30 million people in the United States alone, suffer from a sexual addiction. Sexual addiction within itself is a largely misunderstood and taboo subject in many quarters of society. Those afflicted can usually identify that there is something unsettling or “off” about the nature of their sexual desire, but chose this emotional escape to avoid feelings. This can be a lonely and frustrating road, which leads to feelings of anger, frustration, alienation and issues of self-esteem. Sexual addiction takes on various forms, and manifest itself through

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How to Improve Communication in a Marriage

Married couples find all sorts of challenges during their marriage. One of the most prevalent is keeping communication open and effective between the two spouses. Not all couples have an easy time relating to each other. Some may find that they need to go to couples therapy to solve these issues and other ones that they may have. The following are some simple tips on improving communication that couples can try at home. 1. Each partner must practice actively listening. This may sound cliché, but it is an important part of effective communication in a marriage. A spouse should not just pretend

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Erectile Dysfunction and Pornography

Erectile Dysfunction and the Use of Pornography   One recent study published by the Journal of Sex Medicine shows that of the diagnosed cases of erectile dysfunction, 25% of those cases involve young men.[1] Another study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, noted that 30% of young men deal with erectile dysfunction today.[2] Among younger men dealing with sexual dysfunction, sex addiction, particularly the addiction to porn, appears to be a problem. In fact, Italian scientists from the Italian Society of Andrology and Sexual Medicine have done studies that show that regular or excessive consumption of pornography may result in impotence, lack of libido and a

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How to build intimacy after infidelity

For a woman, intimacy in a relationship involves intimate shared moments, whether emotional, intellectual or sexual. When two persons have an intimate marriage, they communicate on many levels. While sharing certain common likes and dislikes matters, intimacy extends beyond mere shared commonalities. An intimate moment occurs when a man and woman are able to transcend the mundane world. A bond exists that unites their minds and souls even when they are apart. Incompatibility is a Common Barrier to Intimacy Incompatibility is a common barrier to experiencing an intimate relationship. Intimacy goes beyond chemistry. A good sexual relationship is not the only criteria that determines an intimate relationship.

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What is compulsive masturbation?

Masturbation is frequently viewed as a dirty, shameful, even sinful act. Ironically, our sexualized society has deemed sex, whether alone or with another person, a taboo subject, something we should rarely acknowledge. The truth is that masturbation is as natural as the sexual urges that prompt it, and, according to Dr. Gloria Brame, a clinical sexologist, it’s even good for you. “Masturbation is part of a healthy sex life,” she told Men’s Health Magazine. “It’s totally safe and harmless. It’s healthier than brushing your teeth every day.” Of course, it is important to understand that it’s possible to have too much of a

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