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Individual Therapy
Marriage Counseling
Sex addiction
Sex Therapy
Trauma and EMDR Work
Charlene Lewis
Joanna Jacobson
Marcel San Pedro
Brian Russman
Sex Addiction E-Hab
SA Partners 14 Week E-Hab
Sex Addiction Screening Test
Request Appt
(305) 871-9042
Individual Therapy
Marriage Counseling
Sex addiction
Sex Therapy
Trauma and EMDR Work
Charlene Lewis
Joanna Jacobson
Marcel San Pedro
Brian Russman
Sex Addiction E-Hab
SA Partners 14 Week E-Hab
Sex Addiction Screening Test
Request Appt
(305) 871-9042
The First 7 Tasks - Checklist - To Be Completed with your Therapist
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Task 1: Break Through Denial
Read: Facing The Shadow Preface
Read: Facing The Shadow Chapter 1
Make Problem List
Make Secret List
List of Excuses
Consequence Inventory
Read: Facing The Shadow Chapter 2
Find a Therapist, sponsor
Complete SDI and Review with a therapist.
Day 1: Meditation and CDQ
Day 2: Meditation and CDQ
Day 3: Meditation and CDQ
Day 4: Meditation and CDQ
Day 5: Meditation and CDQ
Day 6: Meditation and CDQ
Day 7: Meditation and CDQ
Individual Therapy Session
Group processing
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Task 2: Understand Nature of Illness
List of Unmanageable Moments
Complete Cybersex Assessment
System Transformer: Addiction Cycle
System Transformer: Obstacles and Steps to Take
System Transformer: Recovery Cycle
Complete Eroticized Rage Exercise
Sexual anorexia/binge-purge cycle
Day 8: Meditation and CDQ
Day 9: Meditation and CDQ
Day 10: Meditation and CDQ
Day 11: Meditation and CDQ
Day 12: Meditation and CDQ
Day 13: Meditation and CDQ
Day 14: Meditation and CDQ
Day 15: Meditation and CDQ
Self-assessment history
Complete Facing the shadow exercises Chapter 3
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Task 3: Surrendered to Process
Sex Addiction History
Powerless Inventory
Unmanageable Inventory
Financial Costs Worksheet
Ten Worest Moments
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Task 4: Limit Damage from Behavior
Damage Control Plar
Disclosure Plan
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Task 5: Establish Sobriety
Sobriety Challenges Worksheet
Identify Relapse Scenarios
Fire Drill Plan
Abstinence List, Boundaries List
Personal Craiziness Index
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Task 6: Ensure Physical Integrity
Physical Exam
Sex Addiction Matrix
Sexual Health Matrix
Arousal Template
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Task 7: Participate in Culture of Support
Attend Regular Meeting
Regular Contact with Sponsor
Meeting Presentation
Outside Activities
Daily Rituals
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